More Tips On Ranking Videos On YouTube!

On a previous installment, we covered how getting videos to rank on YouTube is getting more difficult each day.

But here’s why getting rankings can be worth the trouble…

It’s estimated that YouTube has 92 billion page views each month, rising steadily. These stats make it the second biggest search engine after Google.

On top of that, there are literally hundreds of thousands of videos being uploaded to YouTube every single day, which makes the competition fierce!

So here are a few more tips that will help you rank your YouTube videos better and faster, so you can get more views…


Emphasize keywords in your video’s title!:

It’s widely known that videos with relevant keywords and phrases rank better in the search results just as web pages do.

Create videos that people actively search for, and use relevant keywords when publishing the video.

YouTube will definitely use them to rank your videos higher.

Test different video lengths:

One of the factors with rising importance in determining your videos ranking score is how much of your videos get watched.

There’s no “preferred” length for videos. It widely depends on the niche you’re targeting.

Try both lengthy videos that have in-depth, engaging content, as well as short, snappy and to-the-point videos, to see which work better for your niche.

The longer you keep users on your videos, at whatever lengths they may be, the better they will rank.

Encourage sharing and embeds:

In the past few years, social media has greatly affected the way we interact online, both Google and YouTube now take them into consideration for ranking. Letting others embed your videos on their sites will help your videos’ ranking and relevance!

Both measure the relevance of your content, as well as how many shares and likes you get on social media.

Make it a habit to sync your YouTube video postings with your social media accounts. This ensures that any updates will be reflected on your social media accounts, and give you a boost in rankings.

Encourage audience engagement:

Views, comments, shares, favorites, thumbs up/down, and the number of subscribers are now important factors in determining your videos’ ranking score.

When people share your videos, give good comments, and add them to their lists, it tells both YouTube and Google that your video is popular. Use calls-to-action, and ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel, rate your videos and leave comments!

Be consistent with new content:

Just like Google, YouTube loves authority content producers who are consistent with posting new content.

By uploading videos on similar topics, your content is more likely to rank higher in related search terms.

So keep your content as topic-relevant as possible!

Most successful “vloggers” on YouTube follow these guidelines when posting any new videos on YouTube.

Apply even a few of these tips should help you see a nice increase in views, so put them into action!

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