
Monthly Archives: August 2012

Why Didn’t I Make Any Sales When I Bought Your Ad?


Interesting question, isn’t it? It’s time to explain what "Internet" advertising is supposed to do for you, as opposed to other forms of advertising methods.


First and foremost, Internet advertising’s CHIEF job is to get YOU a RESPONSE for your offer. The process usually involves getting the prospect or reader to email you, visit your website or call you on the phone. Then either you, your email follow-up, OR your website sells your products OR services. Ads, in general, do NOT make sales for anyone. Continue reading

Marketing Ad and Sales Letter Tips

The very first thing you MUST understand is that people are motivated by EMOTION. They want YOU to SHOW them how to do a number of things:


1. HELP them make more money…
2. HELP them save some money…
3. HELP their business GROW…
4. HELP them love more…
5. HELP THEM improve their home life...
6. HELP them get something for free…
7. HELP them LOOK good…

Always try to use powerful headlines in your ads, and some simple graphics in your sales letters to get the reader’s attention. Some powerful graphics to use in sales letters are Bullets, Dashes, Check boxes, Numbers and Asterisks. Continue reading

Are You STILL Wasting Your Cash?


Do you think your marketing plan can do a better job for you? Why do some marketers feel lost in the Marketing Maze?


  1. The good stuff is TOO expensive, maybe?

  2. Everything takes TOO much time, maybe?

  3. A lot of this stuff is OLD and Out-Dated, maybe?

  4. This stuff is just too complicated, maybe?

  5. Maybe you don’t understand all those things you bought to HELP you?

Can You Really Keep Forking Up the Cash?


ONE of the biggest reasons large numbers of marketers fail is that they keep wasting a ton of time, constantly LOOKING and testing new promotional strategies that come down the pike. Why do you think they REPEAT this failure cycle? Well, could it be because nothing much seems to really work for them? Continue reading